Watch Online / Le début de la faim (2008)
Desc: Le début de la faim: Directed by Patrice Barrat. With Michel Barnier, Patrice Barrat, Olivier De Schutter, Isabelle Delforge. From early 2008 "The Growing Anger of Hunger" travels the globe, visiting places hit by the food crisis as well as world leaders in their conferences & summits. With one question in mind: "Is this crisis going to be over? Is there a solution?" 860 million hungry people surveyed in early 2008, subsidiary victims in Cameroon and Senegal, the total dependence of Haiti, the speculations in Thailand, the "Mega Food Parks" that are being built in India. The film covers meetings during the Summits of - FAO, G8, WTO, Interviews with principals, the new United Nations Rapporteur on the Right to Food, and some Heads of States. We can clearly observe the huge gap between the policies advocated for 30 years whose only creed was the "law of the market" and today's reality. As examples we check upon Ibrahima Diop, a Senegalese farmer, who we follows since 2005. We witness the anger rising in the "Via Campesina" movement for over 10 years but also the "impotence" of our world's leaders. Of all the ongoing crises - climate, energy, finance - food crisis, seems the most urgent and disturbing. To achieve an equitable distribution of food throughout the world, we need the world leaders to wake up and together find a fair and wholesome solution, But are they capable of doing that?